A unique agriculture training school was established by the community in the village of BegnasTal, Kaski District in 2019, under the leadership of local resident and agriculture guru, Surya Adhikari. Its goal is to educate young Nepalis about the importance of sustainable, organic, agriculture for their local community and country, providing insights into agricultural economics and the role of Nepal in the global market.
Currently, the school, in its second year of operation, is funded by donations and student tuition; Elevate Nepal subsidizes teachers’ salaries. Once completing the third operating year, Ananda Jyoti Agriculture School will be eligible for funding from the Ministry of Education, overseen by the central government in Kathmandu.
- 100+ students graduated with certificates in agriculture
- 50% received job offers in the agriculture sector in three districts of Nepal
- 40% continued their higher education in agriculture including bachelor and masters programs.
- Established a productive community and educational garden for practical course work
- Built two greenhouses for a vegetable and fruit tree garden.
Future plans include expanding the community garden, constructing two more greenhouses, and adding new courses to the curriculum include beekeeping, and recruiting students from outside of Begnas.